– Hip Replacement Discharge Instructions

Texas Bone and Joint                                   Dr. John Riehl



Patient Discharge Instructions

Follow-up Appointment:    Date: ___________________ Time: ________________

Incision Care

  • Do not remove dressing unless saturated. Dressing will be removed by orthopedic provider at your follow-up appointment. If Dressing becomes saturated, remove and replace with gauze and tape.
  • When showering, cover dressing with plastic wrap and tape. Keep clean and dry.
  • Do not submerge wound in bathtub, pool or hot tub for 6 weeks after surgery or until given the OK from orthopedic provider.


  • Anti-coagulants (blood thinners): As prescribed. Most often this will be Aspirin 325 mg twice a day for 4 weeks from date of surgery. If you were on routine anti-coagulants before surgery, please resume according to your cardiologist or PCP instructions.
  • Pain management: Prescription medications will be e-scribed to your preferred pharmacy
  • Supplements: Prescriptions will be e-scribed to your preferred pharmacy
  • Constipation:  Over the counter stool softener or laxative as needed

Activity, Physical Therapy and Return to Work

  • Obey hip precautions as instructed until released by surgeon. (see back page)
  • Begin Outpatient Physical Therapy as soon as possible. Ideally, the day after discharge home from surgery.
  • Weight-bearing as tolerated. No running or heavy lifting
  • Use assistive device as instructed (walker or crutches)
  • Perform home exercises 2-3 times a day
  • Compression stockings to lower legs during the day, remove before bed
  • Follow surgeon’s instruction on return to work date

Call the Texas Bone and Joint office at 877-314-8990 if:

  • New or increased bleeding, redness, swelling, pain or drainage from incision site

Patient Signature_____________________ Date_________

Discharge Nurse Signature ______________________ Date ______________

Hip Precautions

To care for your new hip and keep it from sliding out of position, you will need to follow a few general rules from now on and especially so for the next 3 months. Your surgeon may recommend some additional restrictions based on your condition and type of surgery.

Posterior Hip Precautions

  • Don’t bend your hip past a 90 degree angle in sitting or in standing
  • Don’t cross your legs
  • Don’t turn your operative leg inward

Additional Restrictions

  • You must have the blue wedge in bed and the chair wedge in sitting at all times for 3 weeks.